#4WeeksOfFlutter: Let’s Learn Flutter!

Flutter for beginners

Hello guys! We’ve exhausted another week of learning flutter. I’m so glad we are making progress. However, i was overwhelmed with office work during the week; as such I could not learn as much as my target. But come on, no knowledge is too little right?

This week, I learnt about Input components in flutter. There are a lot of them. I learnt about the ButtonBar, ElevatedButton, TextButton, PopupMenuButton and IconButton. These are really important ones that you will have to use in almost every project. I did try to implement them in simple projects that I made, and it is well understood.

I went on to learn the CheckBox, RadioButton, TextField, DropDownButton, Switch and Slider respectfully. I love how easy it was to comprehend how it works, probably because I have a background in programming. I implemented the syntax of each, in a simple project which I uploaded to my github account.

Moving on, I learnt the DatePicker, TimePicker, SimpleDialog and AlertDialog. These were a bit confusing while I was learning but I got the hang of it. Realization hit me that “oh! I have indeed started coding!”. Next up, I studied the BottomSheet, FloatingActionButton and Snackbar. I tried to implement these on my own but I had no time, I was busy so I couldn’t complete it.

At this point, I did not see what was coming next. It’s the Cupertino part of Flutter. So basically, the Cupertino is what implements iOS features in flutter. So I learnt the Cupertino setup, Button, ActionSheet, Activity Indicator and PageScaffold.

I went on to learn the Cupertino AlertDialog, Picker, PopupSurface, Slider, Switch and SegmentedControl. I also studied the Cupertino NavigationBar, TabBar, TabScaffold, and TextField respectfully. This week, I could not meet my target of creating project of the week but I will make it up to myself next week. Lol.

Thank you for reading and I look forward to you reading my next article. Reviews, advice, and critics will be much appreciated.

Checkout my medium also for interesting non-coding related topics jovialcoder.medium.com

See you next week, Benazir.